WS Cattle Co.
We have been a family owned and operated cattle business in Flora, MS since 1994. We raise registered Angus and registered Line One Horned Hereford cattle. We market our registered Hereford bulls, F1 black-baldy replacement heifers, and ranch raised beef. We strive to raise top quality bulls and replacement heifers for the commercial cattleman and premium ranch raised beef for local consumers.
What Makes Our Products Great?
At WS Cattle Co., our beef comes from calves that are conceived, born, raised, and finished on our farm in Flora, MS. We utilize artificial insemination to breed bulls that lead the industry in growth, maternal ability, and carcass quality. Our cattle are raised and grown on pasture with a supplemental grower ration. We utilize rotational grazing during the summer and a combination of hay, rye grass, and supplemental feed during the winter. Before harvest, our feeder steers are moved to our “finishing pens” and switched to our finishing ration until they are ready to go to the processor. Our goal is to provide consumers with top quality bulls, replacement heifers, and premium beef that is 100% natural with no use of hormones or preservatives.What makes us most proud of producing Genuine MS products?
Our team is made up of myself, Walt Shepherd, my wife Beth, and my son and his wife, Barrett and Sharli Shepherd. Barrett and I take care of the day to day operations and all of the herd management decisions. My wife, Beth, takes care of the office work. Barrett’s wife works another full time job, but helps with the day to day when she can. We are proud to be a family owned and operated MS business. Our roots run deep here, working and living on the land that has been in our family for over 50 years. We work diligently to be good stewards of the land, and we hold our business practices to the highest standards. See Our Products →How does buying Genuine MS products make a difference here in Mississippi?
We are living in a time where it is more important than ever to support local growers, farmers, and ranchers. Buying and supporting local keeps consumer dollars in state and will help ensure that generations of hard working people are able to continue making a living and providing for their families.Why should people seek out and buy Genuine MS products?
Supporting farm to table products is as good for the consumer as it is for producers. Consumers are getting the highest quality, healthy, locally grown and raised products while supporting the local economy. When you choose to purchase MS products, you are supporting your neighbors, friends and family!