Sunrise Honey
We are a 1st generation, family-owned operation. After Katrina we started out bee-keeping with the thought that if there was another catastrophic event we would have the sweeteners for the family. Then over time we realized this was a growing viable full-time business.
What Makes Our Products Great?
We absolutely love this business. We spend a lot of time and effort in making this product to provide the best quality honey possible.What makes us most proud of producing Genuine MS products?
This business is 100% family-owned. Everyday we work with my mom and dad. All of the nieces and nephews contribute. There is a great deal of satisfaction and pride working as a family.Why should people seek out and buy Genuine MS products?
When you buy from your neighbor, you know the quality product that you are investing in. This is neighbors helping neighbors. Buying local is the best way to support our Mississippi economy.