Mert's Satsumas

14380 Duckworth Road, Gulfport, MS 39503
(228) 831-2936
Hours: Monday -Saturday 9:00 a.m- 5:00 p.m; Sunday 1:00- 5:00 p.m
Glenn Merritt has always been interested in citrus. He knew at one point that citrus was grown on the coast and he wanted to try to bring it back. After a failed blueberry crop and riding by the local Co-op that had bought too many citrus trees, he thought he'd give it a try. That day he bought 70 trees. Glenn reached out to Auburn University and Louisiana State University for research and development purposes. He learned about water protection to help the tree mature through the winter seasons. With every bonus he earned, he'd invest in 100 more trees. Today the orchard has over 500 trees of various varieties of citrus. Glenn was an employee with MS Power for 30 years and Valeri a seamstress for 30 years. This is how their adventure began. They sell the produce on the farm and give tours year around.

What Makes Our Products Great?

The quality, time and care that goes into the products that we grow is what makes each of our products great. We take the time to wash our fruit with a professional fruit washing machine. Everything that we have is locally grown right in our backyard.

What makes us most proud of producing Genuine MS products?

Mississippians get the "short-end" of the stick a lot of times. Growing citrus on the MS Gulf Coast adds a little something sweet to our state, And, you can't beat being out in the field with mother nature.

How does buying Genuine MS products make a difference here in Mississippi?

Buying locally helps build a strong economy and builds the community around us.

Why should people seek out and buy Genuine MS products?

This supports local communities and the growth of the state. This fruit has a guaranteed quality and freshness that you can't always find!

Some of our products are seasonal.

October 10- January


Here are a few locations where you can find our products.

Mert's Satsumas

14380 Duckworth Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503, USA