Mary's Berries
Mary's Berries became an at home venture in 2000, when Pat, a landscaper, dropped the public landscaping part of the business and decided to spend the rest of his life at home just being a nurrseryman, as he loves to grow everything green!!!!I
Mary was the encouragment along with part-time help as long as she was teaching.
However, when she retired after 46 years in the classroom, they vamped up their farm to include Blueberry and BlackBerry plants, quail, various breeds of chickens, dressed birds, goats and an Austrailian shepherd named River!
We not only grow produce and animals, but we help friends learn how to do what we do on our farm!
What Makes Our Products Great?
Although MS does not offer an organic certification, Pat and Mary Turner at Mary's series grow the healthiest products possible for their family and yours. Pat is a MS state certified nurseryman and loves to grow organic plants and Mary is a retired MS/AL teacher who Loves to help Pat grow and harvest for and serve organic fruit and vegetables to their 14 grandchildren . They offer products from berry and vegetable plants to live birds to dressed quail and beautiful kale and spinach in the fall .They are now expanding their farm nursery and welcome you to come to Itawamba County to visit and see what the Turners have to offer the health conscious customer!!!What makes us most proud of producing Genuine MS products?
We have waited our whole lives to proudly display the Genuine MS logo! We are both native Mississippians, with deep roots in this state. We love living off the land and passing naturally grown products for our #1 consumers- our family!!!! (THERE ARE 26 of us just in our immediate offspring and theirs!) When we have products left over, we want to share. We practice biblical sharing as Jesus taught us, to the widows first, then we provide products to our neighbors, just like our Mississippi farming ancestors did. Call us old fashioned,backwards,or simple minded if you wish,but call us once at 662 862 3790 and you will be our friend and neighbor for life!!!How does buying Genuine MS products make a difference here in Mississippi?
At Mary's Berries, we firmly believe that Mississippi soil grows the sweetest berries, the healthiest vegetables and the most flavorful quail and chickens in the US!Why should people seek out and buy Genuine MS products?
We believe Mississippians should support and encourage one another. We are eager to share our farm raised products, but just as eager to promote your dreams of growing your own food. We encourage our customers and friends to stop by and purchase plants to grow their own produce....We will share our secrets with you and, when we have time, we will even come to your place and help you get started!Locations
Here are a few locations where you can find our products.
Mary's Berries
5 Turner Road, Fulton, MS, USA