Loch Ross Farms
Built on the site of a small cow-dairy operation started in 1946, Loch Ross Farms reflects the spirit of optimism and can-do determination typical of post-war America. We began operation in 2013, starting with meat sheep, expanding to honeybees, developing an orchard of 14 varieties of apples suitable to southwest Mississippi, and now after retiring from our day jobs also producing dairy goats.
Loch Ross goats are American Alpines, a breed purposefully developed from some of the world’s hardiest dairy goats – and frequent holders of world milk-production records. Alpines are large goats that are friendly, curious, and full of typical caprine fun…all while producing great quality milk. We use the goat’s milk for both animal and human consumption, cheesemaking, caramels, and soaps.
Our sheep are Katahdins, a meat breed developed in Maine and known especially for the mildness of their flavor and excellence in lambing. Enjoy our farm-raised and -foraged products that help showcase "Walthall Wonderful." Visit our booth at the annual Walthall Dairy Fest the first Saturday in June.
What Makes Our Products Great?
Our Mississippi-made products reflect the value of hard work and dedication - the spirit of America that drives small business and that is the essence of a family farm. It is the spirit of doing one's best, using the resources of the land, and crafting with pride to make the best that we can. We use our own products and hope that you will learn to enjoy them too!