Golden S Farms
While Golden S Farms is known for its beautiful Brangus cattle, it is run primarily as a cow/calf and hay operation consisting of around 100 breeding cows. This Farm is family run, dating back to the 1970’s and still going strong today.
We offer sales on breeding bulls, Brangus genetics and market steers (for beef) as well as a selection of commercial and registered Brangus show cattle. Along with our cattle, Golden S Farms sells quality net wrapped round bales of hay.
What Makes Our Products Great?
“We weren’t raised in a barn but we got there as quickly as possible”, this quote rings true for our family. Golden S Farms is a family run operation raising cattle but more importantly, teaching our children to care for the blessings The Lord has blessed us with. From cultivating the soil, planting the seed, harvesting the hay and feeding it to our cattle, we pride ourselves in the great responsibility of caring for each aspect of farming. We are thankful to have grandparents, parents, teenagers and even a few little fellas that help run the day to day operations of Golden S Farms.