Flower Farm and Cottage
What Makes Our Products Great?
All our cut flowers are grown locally at one of our locations in Bolton or Madison. The farm is the home of the Flower Growers of Mississippi and provides producer training online or hands-on on the farm sites. We connect you to Genuine MS flowers to help fulfill your flower needs. We are supporting and encouraging more local farmers by providing producer training and demonstration farms. Locally grown flowers last longer, supports the local economy, provides plants for beneficial insects and encourages more jobs in our state. Support your local flower farmer. We provide full scale floral services using only locally grown flowers. We do not have a store front, so please make an appointment or come see us at the High Street Farmers Market in Jackson. See our Facebook page- Flower Growers of Mississippi to participate in the growers education program.What makes us most proud of producing Genuine MS products?
Mississippi can become the leading producer of locally grown flowers. Over 86% of all cut flowers are shipped in from other counties, 90% of these can be grown in Mississippi and over 80% of the population buys flowers. Why import from other counties? Buy local, support local farmers, as a result you get more value for your money, a longer lasting product, with more fragrance and brighter colors. Mississippi has one of only four flower farm schools in the US and flower grower cooperative program.How does buying Genuine MS products make a difference here in Mississippi?
Buying local cut flowers helps support local farmers of all experience levels especially limited resource farmers. Growing cut flowers does not require a lot of land nor heavy equipment. It supports and helps non-traditional farmers such as women and the elderly, it can be done on small or large scale by any experience level of growers. Growing local cut flowers provides new jobs and supports the farming industry in our state by offering another crop that can successfully be grown here. It is a new ag crop and it is time we grow professionally quality flowers in Mississippi. This project creates jobs in places that have a hard time with work force development.Why should people seek out and buy Genuine MS products?
Owning your own business is available to everyone and supports individual's ability to grow food and flowers. It is important to our economy and health. GenuineMS is another way to promote growers in every way. Probably the most important aspect of Genuine MS is that it helps the consumer to identify where their food and other products come from. So, many times in this industry - food is not labeled, you do not know who grew it, how it was grown and where it was grown. We have a whole new segment of new farmers and they all have different growing practices. This program allows you to make that choice for yourself and does not allow the promotion of a product that is imported.
Here are a few locations where you can find our products.
Mississippi Farmers Market
929 High Street, Jackson, MS, USA
Flower Farmers are at the market every Saturday from 8-Noon. All locally grown flowers are available by the stem, bunch or in floral designs. We can also plan your special events or wedding using all locally grown flowers. Bring you vase if you wish. Flower farm membership are also available.
Trace Cove Flower Farmette
164 Trace Cove Drive, Madison, MS, USA
By appointment only. Florist quality cut flowers by the stem or in a floral design, producer training and flower plant plugs, seeds, and bulbs are available. We can book your special event, wedding or gifts at this location. Also farm memberships (CSA) can be picked up here on Wednesdays.
Flower Farm and Cottage
Bolton, MS, USA
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. This farm site features a variety of services and products: fresh cut flowers, flower cottage Bed and Breakfast, Pollinator Maze, greenhouse growing demonstrations, flower producers training, tours and special events. Farm memberships are available.