Coy Bee Company
We’re a small family Bee and Honey Farm that believes honesty and hard work are key to success. We started Coy Bee Company in 2014, but we have more than 30 yrs experience as beekeepers. We are Certified Members of the Russian Honeybee Breeders Association and produce high quality Purebred Russian Queens and Nucs. Russian bees are resistant to Varroa mites and other common bee pests and diseases, and are perfect for the beginner as well as the experienced beekeeper.
We keep our bees along the MS Gulf Coast and in the prairie belt of East central MS. Our bees make honey from the Gallberry, Tallow trees and other flowering plants in and around the Coastal forests.
In the summer the bees in the prairie make honey from the soybean, cotton and wildflowers in that region of the state.
What Makes Our Products Great?
The MS Gulf Coast is a great place to raise queens and nucs. The abundance of national and private forest allow us raise excellent queen and nucs for the beekeepers of Mississippi and the United States. Beekeepers from Alaska to Maine and Wisconsin to Florida buy our queens and nucs. We also place our bees along Mississippi’s Gulf Coast and in the Black Belt Prairie region of the state for honey production. They collect pollen and nectar from the abundant trees and wildflowers all along the Gulf Coast and the crops and flowers blooming in the black, fertile soils of the prairie. It is from these regions that our bees produce this beautiful honey, perfect for sweetening coffee, tea or pouring over a hot biscuit. We bottle just what the bees make, nothing added or taken away. Our honey is never pasteurized or filtered so it contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. All of the health benefits with just the right amount of sweetness, like nature intended.What makes us most proud of producing Genuine MS products?
Our business depends on the weather and while the weather along the MS Gulf Coast can be challenging, it provides for a unique combination of flowering plants that gives us the opportunity to produce high quality queens, nucs and honey that few beekeepers who live outside of Mississippi don't have.
Some of our products are seasonal.
Queens - April-July, Nucs - April- May, Honey- all yearLocations
Here are a few locations where you can find our products.
Coy Bee Company
358 MS-13, Wiggins, MS, USA
We sell honey by the pound, quart, bucket or barrel. We are often busy as bees in the bee yard. Please call before you drop by. 601-928-5865
Tri County Air Service
25 Pump Branch Road, Wiggins, MS, USA
This is a self serve Honor stand. Please drop your money in the black mailbox. Take only what you pay for.
McDaniel's General Merchandise
496 U.S. Hwy 49, McHenry, MS 39561, USA
A family owned and operated business since 1937, offering a wide array of products and services including outdoor power equipment, hardware, and groceries including HONEY.