Chambers Delimbinator
Chambers Delimbinator is the manufacturer of a chain flail delimber for use in pulpwood production. Chambers Delimbinator was founded in 1995 and is owned by Eric and Mary Grace Chambers. It is located in Ackerman, MS, and the Delimbinator is manufactured in Mississippi.
Chambers Delimbinator supports a network of parts dealers as well as selling parts directly to customers. The company provides telephone field support to dealers and customers to assist in troubleshooting and repairs. Support is available 7 days per week.
What Makes Our Products Great?
The Chambers Delimbinator is the most effective delimber for the pulpwood industry. Loggers who use a Delimbinator for their pulpwood operation realize an increase in production and lower their production cost.What makes us most proud of producing Genuine MS products?
Eric and Mary Grace Chambers are proud to manufacture the Delimbinator in Mississippi.
Here are a few locations where you can find our products.
Chambers Delimbinator
234 Bellwood Rd Ackerman, MS
Chambers Delimbinator main office location.